Living Wild & Free
Living Wild & Free
Finding ones path in this crazy life is never easy. Although it sound cliche it is very true.
For myself, I feel like I am barely beginning to grasp who am and who I want to be at the age of 38!
I am not mad, frustrated, or disappointed with barely finding my course now. It's been an adventure in itself watching my kids grow, changing with them, and seeing them head off into their own paths. I look at my three little birds in awe and a bit of envy seeing that they have such an open path of life to choose. I adore seeing their fun loving spirits full of innocence and curiosity. I strive to be more like them. To forget about the stress that life brings us and try to have more fun! To enjoy every minute we have with each other cause every minute passing is just a memory. Time goes by so fast but I still feel like I have so much to offer this world. As my kids are free to choose their paths so am I. I finally feel I am at a place in my life where the kids do not solely depend upon me and I can spread my wings a bit more. I'm not ready to fly just yet but I do have more freedom than before. I'm allowing myself to not feel guilty to take on a new client even though that may mean I have to miss something at home. It's ok if I am on the computer editing or learning a new lesson while there's piles of laundry on the coach waiting for me to fold them. It's fine if I'm on a roll creating one of my art pieces and dinner is delayed so we have to order in. The thing is my kids and husband encourage it. They love seeing me create and doing things for myself. They love helping me on my shoots and giving me feedback on my art. Why must us adults feel so guilty to take time for ourselves? Even my husband, my hard working, selfless, husband needs to take more time for himself. I don't want to teach my kids to live under stress. I want to teach them how to escape it. That its ok to take a break from your studies, work, and activities to have some alone time. We put so much stress on ourselves to try to live that perfect dream and yet we never even get to enjoy it when we have it. I need to remind myself its ok if I'm not the top photographer, next big artist, or even mother of the year! It's time to take a step back and find who I am inside. It's time to move forward into my next step of adulthood as an artist, mother, wife, and my own being. I look forward to this next step in life.
It's time for me to live wild and free!
It's time for me to live wild and free!
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