Happy Earth Day!

What is Earth Day?

Defined by Wikipedia, Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. 

For me Earth Day is a reminder of how much I love this planet
and all the creatures that belong here. It's a reminder to me that as
a human being, I am a caretaker of this Earth and need to help 
protect it. As a mother I need to teach my children to love and respect  
their planet as well. I try very hard to do so. 
No I'm not a hard core activist. I don't belong to PETA or hold up 
signs in the middle of the street screaming my cause. 
Although I won't say I never will either. 
I do want to get more involved and am currently looking into different charities 
to see where I can help out and give my time for a good cause. 

My heart yearns for the ocean. It's where I truly feel at peace.
When I'm there I'm in awe of God's creation and the shear power that the oceans have.
It pains me to see people carelessly leaving their trash behind.
Throwing cigarette butts into the sand as if it's a giant ash tray.
How can people be so careless?
In order to do my part, if I see trash floating around I simply pick it up. 
My heart gets overjoyed when I see my kids do the same. I love when they
get angry at the careless people and ask me why do people do this Mama?.
 It truly is this simple. Pick up your trash!
Don't litter! Recycle your plastic bottles and items. And it doesn't hurt to 
pick up trash you see lying around.

There's so much beauty here that we take for granted.
Wouldn't it be horrible if all of it was gone? 
If our oceans were filled with oils, trash, and pollutants? 
They already are and if we keep it up the ocean will become a lifeless biohazard.
Obviously that can't be good for us and the rest of the planet.

Next time your enjoying a nice walk along a nature trail, on the beach, or even 
in your neighborhood help out and pick up some trash. Be cautious of how much litter 
there is around you. And make a decision to not be the person who leaves their filth behind.

If you want to take a step further, look into your local charities or online to see how you can help and what tugs on your heart most. I know I'm going to. I'm tired of just being annoyed 
or thinking that's so sad, why are people so dumb and not doing anything about it.
If we all pitch in just a little bit, we can make a big difference.

Thanks for listening to me rant. 
Happy Earth Day! Let's do something great today to help save our planet!


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